Healthy Eating

Healthy Food Tips

Planning your food for the week – lets keep this simple.

It may sound like a right ball ache, but if you follow what I do you'll relieve a stressful week and feel a thousand times better with it!
Are you ever sat at work, theres so much to do then hold up...your stomachs about to start a miniature earthquake and the whole office is about to know your STARVING! Wait you cant leave your desk you have too much work too do, so you go for the quick option in the work canteen or 24/7 Tesco's down the road (the processed pit stop – I like to call it)
Two Choices.

  1. Every evening when making your delicious healthy homemade meal – make an extra portion...thats right tomorrows lunch right there! Try my recipe below...
  2. My personal favorite! Cook for 1-2 hours on a Sunday preparing 5 healthy meals for the week, freeze them...get as anal as you like, get labelling Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and so on.

- No more lethargic 3pm headaches, leave that for everyone else.
Top tips to leave you with…
Fruits on empty stomach (not after meals) 
Avoid any low fat / skimmed

Cook with coconut oil great as moisturiser too
Use extra virgin oil as dressing only
Free range eggs (preferable organic)
Steam veg, don't over boil

Oily fish at least twice a week

No cereals - only rolled oats
Protein everyday
Avoid soya

Chicken soup is good

Stay hydrated - keep water bottles everywhere

Make and store almond/cashew butter
Herbal tea after food
Dinner 3 hours before bed - if late, nothing too heavy Warm milk before bed is great for extra protein Banana before bed if peckish